The Finnish Association for Subject Didactic Research
The mission of the Finnish Association for Subject Didactic Research is to promote subject didactic research, increase interest in conducting subject didactic research and to participate in social discussion on subject didactic research. The association is responsible for organizing the Subject Didactic Symposium (Finn. Ainedidaktiikan symposiumi) in collaboration with the teacher education units of Finnish universities and institutions of higher education, and for maintaining the open access publication series Ainedidaktisia tutkimuksia [Subject Didactic Studies] (2012–2022, 2023 onward) and the journal Ainedidaktiikka. Through its board members, the association has a strong connection to all domestic faculties of teacher education and training. Our members of the board are also active in subject didactic research and development work in the Nordic region.
In 2024, the board of the association consists of the following representatives:
Eila Lindfors (chair, University of Turku),
Mårten Björkgren (Åbo Akademi),
Kaisa Hahl (University of Helsinki),
Emilia Luukka (Tampere University),
Annamari Manninen (University of Lappland),
Hille Janhonen-Abruquah (University of Eastern Finland).
Juha Mikkonen (University of Oulu Teacher Training School),
Saila Poulter (University of Helsinki),
Sari Harmoinen (University of Oulu),
Marianne Kukko (Häme University of Applied Sciences),
Niina Parkkonen (secretary, University of Jyväskylä),
Mika Koponen (Tampere University) and
Juli-Anna Aerila, (University of Turku).
Anyone who conducts subject didactic research or is interested in the field may join the association. The membership categories include a regular (”full”) membership, student membership (full membership, but with a reduced price) or a support membership. We share information on current events from the field with our members via electronic newsletters by email, as well as through our webpage and Twitter-account (@Ainedidaktiikka).
You can apply for membership by filling out the Membership application form (Jäsenlomake) on our webpage. The membership fee in 2025 is 25 €. Student membership is 12 €, and the support membership 75 €. Please direct the payment to the account FI30 6601 0001 1111 37 (Ålandsbanken, BIC: AABAFI22). When making your payment, please make sure to write your full name, membership category (full member / student member / support member) 2025 and email address in the Note-section of the payment.